Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 17 anti-trans bills in Kansas in 2024. The legislation impacts 4 categories:





KS HB2263


Authorizing pharmacy technicians to administer certain vaccines, creating a civil cause of action against a physician and requiring revocation of a physician's license who performs a childhood gender reassignment service.

Creating a civil cause of action against a physician who performs childhood gender reassignment service; requiring revocation of a physician's license if such physician performs childhood gender reassignment service; [...] "Childhood gender reassignment service" means performing, or causing to be performed, acts including, but not limited to, any of the following performed upon a child under 18 years of age for the purpose of attempting to affirm the child's perception of the child's sex or gender, if that perception is inconsistent with the child's sex: [...] (D) prescribing, dispensing, administering or otherwise supplying the following medications: (i) Puberty-blocking medication to delay, hinder, stop or reverse normal puberty; (ii) supraphysiologic doses of testosterone to females; or (iii) supraphysiologic doses of estrogen to males;

KS HB2404


Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.

KS HB2427


Requiring school districts to provide separate accommodations for students of each biological sex on overnight school sponsored trips.


Senate Substitute for HB 2436 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion and providing enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to coerce a woman to obtain an abortion.

KS HB2791


Enacting the forbidding abuse child transitions act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare professionals from treating children whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare professionals for providing such treatments, authorizing professional discipline against a physician who performs such treatment, prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians and nurses.

A recipient of state funds shall not use such funds to provide or subsidize medication or surgery as a treatment for a child's perception of gender or sex that is inconsistent with such child's sex.

KS HB2792


Prohibiting gender transition surgery on minors, authorizing professional discipline against a physician who performs such surgeries and adopting a standard of care for gender transition care services.



Enacting the Kansas child mutilation prevention act to criminalize performing gender reassignment surgery or prescription of hormone replacement therapy on certain persons and providing grounds for unprofessional conduct for healing arts licensees.

Unlawful gender reassignment service is knowingly performing, or causing to be performed, any of the following upon a person under 21 years of age for the purpose of attempting to change or affirm the person's perception of the person's sex, if that perception is inconsistent with the person's sex.

KS SB149


Expanding the crime of promoting obscenity to minors to include drag performances.

Expanding the crime of promoting obscenity to minors to include drag performances [...] "drag performance" means a performance in which one or more performers [...] exhibits a gender identity that is different from the performer's gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup or other accessories [...] and (B) sings, lip-synchs, dances or otherwise performs before an audience of at least two persons for entertainment.

KS SB201


Prohibiting the expenditure of state moneys for the production or performance of drag shows for which minors are the primary audience.

KS SB207


Requiring policies for and establishing restrictions on school districts with regard to the use of an individual's pronouns if such pronouns differ from the individual's biological sex.


Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.

KS SB233


House Substitute for SB 233 by Committee on Health and Human Services - Enacting the forbidding abuse child transitions act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare providers from treating children whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments, requiring professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatment, prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians and nurses.

KS SB255


Requiring school districts to provide separate accommodations for students of each biological sex on overnight school sponsored trips.


House Substitute for SB 291 by Committee on Legislative Modernization - Transferring all cybsersecurity services under the chief information technology officer of each branch of government, creating chief information security officers within the judicial and legislative branches, requiring a chief information security officer to be appointed by the attorney general, Kansas bureau of investigation, secretary of state, state treasurer and insurance commissioner and requiring the chief information security officers to implement certain minimum cybersecurity standards, requiring the information technology executive council to develop a plan to integrate executive branch information technology services under the executive chief information technology officer, making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, and June 30, 2026, for the office of information technology, Kansas information security office and the adjutant general, authorizing certain transfers and imposing certain limitations and restrictions and directing or authorizing certain disbursements and procedures for all state agencies and requiring legislative review of state agencies not in compliance with this act.

KS SB353


Creating a civil cause of action against a physician who performs childhood gender reassignment service and requiring revocation of a physician's license who performs childhood gender reassignment service.

An individual who had a childhood gender reassignment service performed on such individual as a child may bring a civil cause of action against the physician who performed the childhood gender reassignment service

KS SB512


Prohibiting insurance companies from using environmental, social and governance criteria in the process of writing contracts of insurance, indemnity or suretyship, authorizing the attorney general or the county attorney or district attorney where a violation occurred to enforce such prohibition and providing a civil penalty for violations thereof.

An insurance company shall not use environmental, social and governance criteria to give preferential treatment to or to discriminate against a company or person as it relates to the availability and costs of contracts of insurance, indemnity or suretyship. [...] "Environmental, social and governance criteria" means any criterion that gives preferential treatment or discriminates based on whether a company meets or fails to meet one or more of the following criteria: [...] (H) facilitating or assisting or not facilitating or assisting employees in obtaining abortions or gender reassignment services;

KS SB543


Prohibiting state educational institutions from endorsing discriminatory ideologies, using diversity, equity and inclusion statements or providing preferential consideration on the basis of such discriminatory ideologies.

No state educational institution or institutional review board shall: (1) Compel, require, induce or solicit any applicant, employee, student or contractor to endorse any discriminatory ideology; (2) compel, require, induce or solicit any applicant, employee, student or contractor to provide a diversity, equity and inclusion statement;